Wednesday, July 15, 2009

i'm back ! currently in school .
somebody just farted , eeek . whatever . HAHA .
life has been really plain & boring this couple of weeks ,
so i didn't update much & i don't think there will be people reading my blog anyway .
cause there's No photos & full of craps . haha .
i gonna changes my worship place really soon (:
people do changes alot.
i shall not regardless that person as my friend ever again .
haha , sound so childish but i don't care .
i know you have been disliking me for sometimes dude ,
it's obvious actually . way too obvious !
maybe you think i'm a blahblahblah person to you .
but still , I DON'T CARE .
i'm happy now cause i don't need to face you everyweek anymore !
if you think it's you then YAY . so i don't need to tell you cause i'm not going to talk to you .
but i don't think you will be reading , cause you don't bother .
hahahaha , i'm happy . BYE .

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